WORKFLOW DESIGN Offering technical advice for creating workflows during the pre-production stage, where work processes and necessary materials are established according to the budget. No matter how small the shoot, the design of the workflow is crucial and necessary. Feel free to consult with us at no cost to obtain our opinion based on extensive […]
Archiving LTO, SERVER & UPLOAD We handle archival work on LTO, Server, or Platform Upload: Raw Shooting Material (All material generated on the SET) Masters and Projects Deliveries with access letter Whether on a daily, weekly, or end-of-shooting basis, as agreed upon in contracts or as a production company’s own requirement, we provide this service […]
TRANSMISSION OF MATERIALS With this service, we provide the fast and secure transmission of material, which can commonly be divided into: – Editing Material (Transcodes, sound, reports, etc.) – Raw Shooting Material (All material generated on the set) – VFX (server for VFX work in different locations) Through our system, we obtain the maximum bandwidth […]
Sale of HDD Hard disk drives / On-Set RAIDs Each project is analized and asses its storage necessities based on different parameters like the total number of working days or the quantity and type of cameras, along with the archives generated on-set plus on post production. We also distribute from the main companies of the […]
NEAR SET / DAILIES LAB Based on the experience we have gained in these more than 10 years in the creation and supervision of data management and post-production processes, often very complex, we have acquired the knowledge to balance costs, enhance security, and optimize processes that consider not only the shooting but the entire post-production. […]
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DIT STATION / DATA WRANGLER Our stations are set according to the necessities and budget of the project along with the requests by the DIT, Data Wrangler, DOP and production department, the variety of models and components is wide enough to create the optimal one. These are the services and equipment that we provide for […]
DIGITAL LAB STATE-OF-THE-ART LAB New ways of postproduction New ways of postproduction will lead us to faster, cheaper and even more powerful results. Everything is evolving. A WORKFLOW PERFECT FOR YOU Adaptation is key in new media The more complicated is your shooting, the more complicated will be the transfer to postproduction and final mastering. […]
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Showcase of Our Collaborations
Showcase of Our Collaborations
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